
Below you will find the by-laws for Irving Lodge A. F. & A. M. No. 1218 approved on 01/10/17


This Lodge was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Texas on the fifth day of December 1924, and shall be known by the name and style of Irving Lodge No. 1218 of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. This Lodge subscribed to and shall be governed by the Constitution, Laws, Resolutions, and Edicts of the Grand Lodge of Texas.



Section 1.

The stated meetings shall be held on second Tuesday of every month, at 7:30o’clock p.m., (and/or as herein set forth).

Section 2.

Called meetings may be made by the Worshipful Master (or in his absence or inability to serve, by the Senior Warden, or in the absence of both Master and Senior Warden, then by the Junior Warden), at such times as they, or either of them, having the right to act, may think important, or to the interest of the Craft.

Section 3.

As many members as possible should be notified of such called meetings, and no business shall be transacted at same, except such as was specified in the call.



The officers of this Lodge shall be a Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain, Senior and Junior Deacons, Senior and Junior Stewards, (Marshal and/or Master of Ceremonies and/or Musician optional), and Tiler.



Section 1.

The Worshipful Master, Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary shall be elected. All other officers shall be appointed. (Note: Appointments by Worshipful Master.)

Section 2.

In the election of officers, should only one name be placed in nomination, the vote may be taken without ballot, but should more than one Brother be placed in nomination, the members shall prepare their ballots, which shall be taken up and counted at the Secretary’s desk, and the number of votes received by each Brother reported to the presiding officer, and he shall declare the Brother receiving a majority of all the votes cast duly elected.

Section 3.

In the event no Brother has such majority, the ballot will be repeated until such result is attained. Blank votes shall not be considered in determining the result.



Section 1.

Worshipful Master – It shall be the duty of the Worshipful Master to see that the By-Laws of the Lodge, as well as the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge are duly observed, and that the officers attend strictly to their duties.

Section 2.

Treasurer – It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to hold all deeds, certificates of stock, notes, bonds, obligations, or other property of a financial character belonging to the Lodge, and to collect and receive the same when directed by the Lodge; to receive all moneys from the hands of the Secretary, passing his receipt for the same; and pay them out only upon the order of the Worshipful Master and consent of the Lodge. The Treasurer shall keep a correct account of the same, and report minutely the financial condition of the Lodge at the stated meeting next succeeding the festival of St. John the Baptist and at such other times as the Lodge may direct.

Section 3.

Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to carefully observe the proceedings of the Lodge; make a correct record of all things proper to be written, and to receive all moneys due the Lodge; turning them over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. It shall also be the duty of the Secretary:

(1) To keep all books and papers relating to the proceedings of the Lodge.

(2) To authenticate all official papers and documents emanating from the Lodge

with the seal of the same.

(3) To notify all Brethren of their election to office, if they

were not present at the time of election.

(4) To notify the Grand Secretary, as prescribed

by law, of the suspension or expulsion of members, and of the rejection of applicants; to issue

all summons, dimits, and notices as he may be directed; to make out and transmit to the Grand

Secretary the annual returns of this Lodge; remit also to him the Grand Lodge dues; report to

the Grand Secretary the names of all Brethren elected to Parent or Plural Membership; and

perform all other duties appertaining to his office.

(5) For his services he shall receive

an amount as set by the Lodge from time to time.

Section 4.

Tiler – It shall be the duty of the Tiler to see that the Lodge room is kept clean and in order; and that the various articles of furniture are in their appropriate places; to strictly guard the door during the sitting of the Lodge; to summon the members of the Lodge to all called meetings where a summons is necessary, and be punctual in this attendance.



Section 1.

The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens shall constitute Standing Committees on Fraternal Assistance, Sickness, and Arbitration, a majority of whom may at all times, act; and are responsible to the Lodge. Their duties are as follows:

(1) Fraternal Assistance – It is their duty to examine all claimants for assistance, and, if necessary, they may draw upon the Treasury, in each instance, for an amount not exceeding that stated within the Irving Lodge Rules and Regulations; reporting the facts in each case to the Lodge at its next stated meeting, thereafter.

(2) Sickness – It shall be their duty to visit all sick Brethren (unless it would be dangerous or imprudent to do so), and ascertain their condition and necessities; and to take such action as they may deem proper and necessary, both in regard to the Brother and his family.

(3) Arbitration – It shall also be the duty of this committee to settle all differences between Brethren, unless the parties prefer to bring the matter before the Lodge.

Section 2.

It shall be the duty of the Worshipful Master, at the first stated meeting after the 24th of June, of each year, to appoint a Standing Committee on Finance, to be composed of three discreet Master Masons, members of this Lodge, and, if possible, men practically acquainted with bookkeeping.

(1) It shall be the duty of this committee, at the close of each Masonic year, as soon as appointed, and oftener if required, to carefully examine and check up the reports, books and vouchers of the Secretary and Treasurer, and any other financial matters referred to them; and make a full and accurate report at the next stated meeting of the Lodge, showing the condition of the books and accounts. And should any inaccuracies be found, recommend the necessary steps for their correction. In the matter of ordinary accounts referred to them, they may, if satisfied, report instanter. (2) The reports of said Committee on Finance thus made, shall be read in open Lodge and spread upon the minutes, noting the action taken by the Lodge; and all accounts and claims against the Lodge, when demanded by any Brother, shall first be referred to this committee, before being allowed.



Section 1.

The fees for the degrees of this Lodge shall be an amount not less than prescribed in Article 307 of the Constitution and Laws and set by this Lodge from time to time as prescribed within the Lodge Rules and Regulations. In addition to the regular fees collected by a Lodge, a contribution to the Texas Masonic Charities Foundation shall be collected from each applicant for the Master Mason’s Degree. (Art. 307 and 163-5) (Revised 2006) Section 2. In addition to the regular fee for Initiation a $5.00 donation to the George Washington Masonic Memorial shall be collected from each applicant for the Entered Apprentice Degree.



A member is chargeable with the pro rata portion of his dues as provided in Art. 317.



Each member of this Lodge (unless herein exempted) shall pay dues from the time of his raising or affiliation, an amount set by the Lodge from time to time as prescribed within the Lodge Rules and Regulations inasmuch as they are not less than prescribed in Article 311 of the Constitution and Laws. A member, however, shall not be required to pay such dues if he purchases an Endowed Membership in accordance with the Laws of Grand Lodge.



Section 1.

A visitor shall not be admitted except upon due examination or lawful avouchment.

Section 2.

In the event that the visiting Brother is a stranger and hails from some Lodge in another Grand Jurisdiction, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the visitor’s Lodge that we have had the pleasure of a visit by one of its members, giving the name and date.



Weapons. No weapons, either offensive or defensive, shall be carried into the Lodge room. (Additional Regulations not provided for or in conflict with the Constitution and Laws of this Grand Lodge may be added to this Article.)



At stated meetings after opening the Lodge in due and Ancient form, a quorum being present, the Order of Business, unless otherwise ordered by the Lodge, or the Worshipful Master, shall be as follows:

1. Reading, correcting and approval of Minutes of previous meetings.

2. Receiving and referring to Committees of Petitions and Applications.

3. Reports of Special Committees.

4. Balloting on Petitions and Applications.

5. Reports of Standing Committees.

6. Communications from the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

7. Unfinished Business.

8. Motions, Resolutions and New Business.

9. Examinations for Proficiency in the proper degree.

10. Voting on Proficiency.

11. Claims and Accounts.



The rules of conducting the business of this Lodge shall be as nearly as possible the same as those prescribed for the Grand Lodge, and in addition, as follows:

Section 1.

When a question is decided, the same matter shall not again be acted on during that meeting, unless on motion to reconsider, which can only be made by a member voting in the majority, and at that or the next stated meeting, when there must be an equal or greater number of members present than when the action was had.

Section 2.

All questions of order shall be decided by the Worshipful Master without appeal or debate; but the Master may ask the advice of any member before deciding; and he has the right, at any time, to declare the Lodge closed or called off, for the purpose of stopping angry debate or confusion.


Section 1.

No amendments of these By-Laws, either by alteration or addition, shall be made, unless in the following manner:

(1) The proposed amendment must be in writing, signed by the proponent, and presented and read at a stated meeting of this Lodge, at which time it may be discussed and amended, if necessary.

(2) At the next stated meeting of this Lodge, it shall be considered and voted upon without further amendment; and if approved by a majority of the votes of the members present, shall become a part of these By-Laws, upon compliance with the other provisions of this Article.

Section 2.

All amendments of these By-Laws must be submitted to the Grand Lodge for its approval before they take effect, except the following:

(1) Fixing, raising or lowering the fee for each degree, or the annual dues, within the minimum limitations fixed by the Laws of the Grand Lodge, except as provided in Art. 309.

(2) Adopting its own regulations as to the payment of its Treasurer, Secretary and Tiler.

(3) The day and hour of meeting, or the number of stated meetings per month may be changed to suit its convenience. Whenever a change in the number of meetings per month, or of the day of the meeting, is made, the Grand Secretary must be notified at once.

(4) Adopting its own regulations to perform charitable work or public service which enables the Lodge to qualify for tax exemption as permitted by the Texas Property Tax Code.


Article XV

The above By-Laws have been adopted by Irving Masonic Lodge By order of the Lodge. The above By-Laws have been approved by the M:W: Grand Lodge of Texas (Art. 218-221) Revised 2017